What is Coaching?

It’s a safe, collaborative, and creative process between coach and client to help discover, build awareness, and create choice.

Simply put, it’s about:
• Finding your unique formula for fulfillment and how to access it (immediately),
• Creating balance by restoring choice, and
• Finding renewed presence to the rich experiences of life – how to feel alive

You can expect some empowering new tools, new perspectives, and self-discovery served up in a supportive and personal way.

What happens in a Coaching session?

It’s very conversational. Except for our first session which is 1.5 hrs and in-person (or video call), they are usually less than 45 mins and take place by phone. In the first session we’ll design how we’ll work together, this ensures I am the most effective coach I can be for you.

Expect to learn new skills but at the core of each session is your agenda. You’ll be asked to bring a topic that is specific, meaningful, and important enough for you to act on.

How is Coaching different from therapy?

The biggest difference is that I view you as naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. I won’t view you as broken or ill. I focus on your inherent strengths and potential. Another difference is that in coaching we primarily focus on the ‘here & now’ and the future, not the past. There is a bias toward action and I’ll support you in being accountable to yourself.

My clients report making early and meaningful progress on things that really matter to them. Finally, coaching can be fun!

Is it Confidential?

I am bound by CTI’s code of professional ethics (those of the Coaches Training Institute) and I also subscribe to the International Coaches Federation professional ethics code. They cover confidentiality and more, I will walk you through an agreement that outlines confidentiality when we first meet.

Any other questions?

If your question is not answered, get in touch and I’ll answer soon.